domain names & hosting
Need a domain name?
Register Your Domain Name in Minutes
Your own domain name makes your website or email look more professional and easy to remember. We can assist you in finding the best domain name for your business, or if you would like to check what has already been used by other companies click on the link below to be forwarded to our preferred NZ hosting company:
Getting a hosting account
Hosting accounts start from as little as $161 +GST per year and include:
free domain name, 5GB web storage, 5GB email storage, unlimited mailboxes, 10GB traffic, 10 MySQL databases, stats, webmail, and more. For details click here.
As part of our website service, we are happy to organise all of the hosting details on your behalf. Allowing us to do this will remove any stress for you and is a complementary service with any website.
We work with one of the largest New Zealand-based hosting companies Freeparking which has a proven record of excellent customer service - and there is an efficient helpline for you to use which connects directly to their New Zealand-based team.